50th Anniversary Gala

Celebrate 50 years of Caring for the City
Providence Community Health Centers requests the pleasure of your company at the 50th Anniversary Gala
Saturday, October 27, 2018
6:00pm - 11:00pm
Rhode Island Convention Center Providence, RI Ballroom A
Cocktail Reception at Six O’clock Dinner at Seven O’clock
All proceeds benefit Providence Community Health Centers
$150 per ticket includes dinner, entertainment, music, dancing, live and silent auctions
Please RSVP by September 15, 2018 using the groovy response card enclosed
Read more about Sponsorship opportunities
Event Properties
Event Date | 10-27-2018 6:00 pm |
Event End Date | 10-27-2018 11:00 pm |
Individual Price | $150 per ticket includes dinner, entertainment, music, dancing, live and silent auctions |
Location | Rhode Island Convention Center Providence, RI Ballroom A |